Wednesday, June 12, 2013

#1 Check out Dojo!

I've seen tons of bloggers out there blog about Class Dojo! It is a classroom management tool where you can award and deduct points based on behaviors. The site has behaviors already in place, but you can add your own. Positive behaviors already include hard work, participation, and following directions. Negative ones include disrespect and out of seat. You can add your own too!
Each student has their own avatar, which is a critter or monster. [This image is not my class; it is from Google Images!] Their avatar has their name next to it, and all of you students can be seen on your Smartboard. Click on their name, click on the behavior, and it adjusts the point total. The kids can also hear the sounds when points are added or taken away. And, you can print your data at the end of the day if you'd like. If your school is as hooked on data as mine is, this is an awesome tool. It's easy to to communicate with parents about how their child is behaving in class! Did I mention it's free too? Have fun!